Sessions / Location Name: 西 1 211

Location not set by organizers

Food Supply and Food Waste #3941

Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211

I am now a freshman in college, and in my English class I researched global issues. I focused my research on "Food Supply and Food Waste ." This is because I felt that food supply and food waste are not only problems around the world, but also familiar to us. I had done a little research on this subject when I was in high school, and wanted to explore a topic more familiar and local to us. And I first researched "What is food loss?" Next, I interviewed family and friends close to me to find out if there are any efforts to reduce food loss in the community and what companies are doing so. For example, my mother told me about a food loss reduction project being carried out in her hometown of Niigata. I didn't know this kind of activity was going on locally, so I wanted more people to know about it. At the conference, what can we as individuals do to reduce food waste? I would like to talk about it.

Gender discrimination against young people in Japan #3945

Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211

I am a second-year university student who got interested in gender discrimination in Japan because I found this issue related to me when thinking about job-hunting, which I am going to start next year. I researched the issue of gender discrimination in a project and then in a seminar at university, and I plan to do more research ahead of the LD30 conference. My poster highlights how young people in Japan face discrimination based on gender, mainly discrimination against women and gender minorities through bullying at school and in workplaces. I tried to think of this issue at both macro and micro levels, so I did research and talked with people close to me. I also met people who are related to the activities of gender minorities. My poster includes the results of these conversations with others about their personal experiences and perspectives, as well as concepts I got through these interactions. In this presentation I also propose ways to take action against gender discrimination. These actions include not only solutions that companies and schools can take, but also what I can do for this issue as a young woman.

What kind of community is most suitable for people with dementia #4003

Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211


Revitalization by listening to Aboriginal people’s activism with fieldwork #3943

Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-16:20 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211

I am a third-year student, and in this poster session I would like to share different people's voices and perspectives to do with language revitalization in Australia. Over the past few years I have been deepening my understanding of Aboriginal people’s language and cultural revitalization through my studies in Japan and fieldwork in Australia. I first learned about assimilation toward Indigenous people when I went to high school for one year in Canada. Last year, in my second-year seminar and through doing fieldwork in Australia, I tried to grasp the issue by listening to Aboriginal people and trying to understand their activism. In this session I will share with you people’s voices from my interviews with Aboriginal people and others (all identities protected) who are working on their behalf. In addition, I will explain what I felt doing those interviews, and how I have been inspired by Aboriginal people’s storytelling. I will also present ways of working on the revitalization of the Aboriginal language and culture from a non-Indigenous person’s perspective. These suggestions will be relatable to everyone, including Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people as well.

Young people with no place to stay #3956

Sun, Oct 22, 11:05-12:00 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211

皆さんはじめまして。私は、国際社会学科所属の大学四年生です。 現在、若者たちが直面している貧困や家庭の問題などについて調べています。コロナ禍を経て、私たちと近い世代の若者たちが社会的に孤立していることを知り、この問題は他人事ではないと危機感を覚えました。現在、この問題を卒業論文の軸として研究を進めています。 私のプレゼンテーションでは、ネオホームレスやトー横界隈と呼ばれる日本の若者の問題をいくつか取りあげ、彼らの実態や若者への支援の在り方ついてお伝えします。ルポルタージュやニュース記事など、数々の文献を基にして調査をしています。この問題は、家庭環境や経済的理由など複合的な要因によって引き起こされています。社会がどのようにして若者たちを支援すべきか、若者たちが安心して生きていくためにはどうすれば良いか一緒に考えてみませんか。

Women’s Tough Working Environment and Employment All Over the World #3983

Sun, Oct 22, 11:05-12:00 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211

Women are in a much weaker position than men in many aspects, especially economically. I am interested in this issue because I learned the history of gender discrimination in history class. AI like ChatGPT have an impact on working women as their jobs are more easily affected by AI than men's. In 2023, the labour force participation rate for women is returning to its pre-pandemic form. However that could all change with AI. I propose two solutions. First, increase the number of women who are stable in their employment. For example, you hold lectures for pre-working women. Second, asking those women to control AI. Being replaced by AI means necessity for seeing that AI behaves right. In Japan, the government told all companies to make a goal about the number of female office employees. In addition, it enacted a law which aimed that men and women take responsibility for governance, economics, society and culture.