Chihiro Yoshigoe


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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Food Supply and Food Waste more

Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo

I am now a freshman in college, and in my English class I researched global issues. I focused my research on "Food Supply and Food Waste ." This is because I felt that food supply and food waste are not only problems around the world, but also familiar to us. I had done a little research on this subject when I was in high school, and wanted to explore a topic more familiar and local to us. And I first researched "What is food loss?" Next, I interviewed family and friends close to me to find out if there are any efforts to reduce food loss in the community and what companies are doing so. For example, my mother told me about a food loss reduction project being carried out in her hometown of Niigata. I didn't know this kind of activity was going on locally, so I wanted more people to know about it. At the conference, what can we as individuals do to reduce food waste? I would like to talk about it.

Chihiro Yoshigoe