Riku Ito
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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Gender discrimination against young people in Japan more
Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo
I am a second-year university student who got interested in gender discrimination in Japan because I found this issue related to me when thinking about job-hunting, which I am going to start next year. I researched the issue of gender discrimination in a project and then in a seminar at university, and I plan to do more research ahead of the LD30 conference. My poster highlights how young people in Japan face discrimination based on gender, mainly discrimination against women and gender minorities through bullying at school and in workplaces. I tried to think of this issue at both macro and micro levels, so I did research and talked with people close to me. I also met people who are related to the activities of gender minorities. My poster includes the results of these conversations with others about their personal experiences and perspectives, as well as concepts I got through these interactions. In this presentation I also propose ways to take action against gender discrimination. These actions include not only solutions that companies and schools can take, but also what I can do for this issue as a young woman.