a23.stpg Chuo University
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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Women’s Tough Working Environment and Employment All Over the World more
Sun, Oct 22, 11:05-12:00 Asia/Tokyo
Women are in a much weaker position than men in many aspects, especially economically. I am interested in this issue because I learned the history of gender discrimination in history class. AI like ChatGPT have an impact on working women as their jobs are more easily affected by AI than men's. In 2023, the labour force participation rate for women is returning to its pre-pandemic form. However that could all change with AI. I propose two solutions. First, increase the number of women who are stable in their employment. For example, you hold lectures for pre-working women. Second, asking those women to control AI. Being replaced by AI means necessity for seeing that AI behaves right. In Japan, the government told all companies to make a goal about the number of female office employees. In addition, it enacted a law which aimed that men and women take responsibility for governance, economics, society and culture.