Yuiko Asai
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Students: Story Circle ストーリーサークル 55 minutes / 55 分 Revitalization by listening to Aboriginal people’s activism with fieldwork more
Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-16:20 Asia/Tokyo
I am a third-year student, and in this poster session I would like to share different people's voices and perspectives to do with language revitalization in Australia. Over the past few years I have been deepening my understanding of Aboriginal people’s language and cultural revitalization through my studies in Japan and fieldwork in Australia. I first learned about assimilation toward Indigenous people when I went to high school for one year in Canada. Last year, in my second-year seminar and through doing fieldwork in Australia, I tried to grasp the issue by listening to Aboriginal people and trying to understand their activism. In this session I will share with you people’s voices from my interviews with Aboriginal people and others (all identities protected) who are working on their behalf. In addition, I will explain what I felt doing those interviews, and how I have been inspired by Aboriginal people’s storytelling. I will also present ways of working on the revitalization of the Aboriginal language and culture from a non-Indigenous person’s perspective. These suggestions will be relatable to everyone, including Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people as well.