Sessions / Students: Story Circle ストーリーサークル 55 minutes / 55 分

Revitalization by listening to Aboriginal people’s activism with fieldwork #3943

Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-16:20 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 211

I am a third-year student, and in this poster session I would like to share different people's voices and perspectives to do with language revitalization in Australia. Over the past few years I have been deepening my understanding of Aboriginal people’s language and cultural revitalization through my studies in Japan and fieldwork in Australia. I first learned about assimilation toward Indigenous people when I went to high school for one year in Canada. Last year, in my second-year seminar and through doing fieldwork in Australia, I tried to grasp the issue by listening to Aboriginal people and trying to understand their activism. In this session I will share with you people’s voices from my interviews with Aboriginal people and others (all identities protected) who are working on their behalf. In addition, I will explain what I felt doing those interviews, and how I have been inspired by Aboriginal people’s storytelling. I will also present ways of working on the revitalization of the Aboriginal language and culture from a non-Indigenous person’s perspective. These suggestions will be relatable to everyone, including Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people as well.

SDGs and environmental problems in universities #3962

Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-16:20 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 213

l’m a third-year university student and I have passion about acting to solve environmental problem and achieve SDGs and I want to change the world that all people have a conscious desire to make this world peaceful and comfortable to live by all living things. My questions are: What do your universities do to achieve SDGs and to solve environmental problem? How many people know that and how many people follow that? How much change your universities are making? In this Projects Hub, I want to discuss, share ideas and experiences about my questions and how you act to become reality about SDGs or environmental problem individually and how we can find plans to change the efforts to do that in our universities. Are we placed in a situation where we can discuss or talk about these things in our universities and where we can speak up easily about these things in there? How many people have some ideas to achieve SDGs and environmental problems and to solve potential problems? We think we have some worries and questions, so let's talk about that. If we think about them together, we can definitely find some solutions and we can become great pioneer to change our university lives.

Sharing what diversity, inclusion, and discrimination mean for us #3940

Sun, Oct 22, 12:50-13:45 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: 西 1 213

In this Story Circle let us share stories of what diversity, inclusion, and discrimination in society mean for us in our own lives and society. A key principle of the 2030 Agenda is inclusiveness, but what does that mean in everyday life, within different social areas like education, sports, and employment? In my own case I was born in Japan as a child of Brazilian parents. I now speak Japanese, Portuguese, and English. As a person who grew up in a society which doesn’t use my mother tongue, I had many struggles with language. And from the age of 10 or so, I started to think it was embarrassing to use Portuguese in front of Japanese people. I tried hard to be “Japanese” so I could be the same as everyone. This need to be monolingual and monocultural stopped me from being proud of myself. In this Story Circle let’s share our experiences of diversity, inclusion, and discrimination, and what they mean for us, and talk together about what people from different minorities and from different majorities can do to create acceptance, non-discrimination, and equality in our lives.