LD30: Learning for Change and Action, Making a Difference for the Future 変化と行動のための学習、未来への変化をもたらす
Conference Schedule Outline
Saturday: 9:00-17:20
9:00-9:25 Registration: Room West 1: 210
9:30-10:25, Room West 2: 201: Taichi Ichikawa plenary, "We Have a Dream: 201 dreams from 201 countries beyond 2030" (Students invited)
10:35-12:30 Parallel sessions West 1
Teachers: Rooms: 206, 207, 208, 209
First round of posters in 211/213 from 10:25 to 11:30).11:35-12:30
Taichi Ichikawa's workshop "ポジティブ心理学を活用したリーダーシップ/体験ワークショップ"
12:30-13:20 Lunch
13:20-14:15 Phil Benson's plenary, Room West 2: 201: "Turns, Terms and Reconceptualizations in Language Teaching and Learning Research."
14:25-16:20 Parallel sessions West 1
14:25-15:20 Parallel Sessions Rooms: 206, 207, 209. Including Stacey Vye's workshop "Autonomy, Creativity, and Innovation for Learners and Teachers Alike." (Room 209)
15:25-16:20 Parallel Sessions Rooms: 206, 207, 209 and Teacher Poster session in 204
West 1: Rooms 213: Second round of posters
West 1: Rooms 211: Student Story Circle
16:25-17:20 Room West 2: 201: Conferencing together.
Sunday: 9:00-15:10
9:00-9:20 Registration / Coffee / Welcome.
9:25-9:50 Parallel sessions for Teachers only, West 1: Rooms 206, 207, 208, 209
10:00-10:55 Room West 2: 201: Stacey Vye and Chiyuki Yanase's Dialogic Plenary, "Fostering Learner Wellbeing through Autonomy: The Role of Learning Communities."
11:05-12:00 Parallel sessions
Parallel Sessions Rooms: 206, 207, 208, 209
Poster Sessions: 212/213
12:00-12:50 Lunch
12:50-14:15: Parallel sessions
Parallel Sessions Rooms: 206, 207, 208, 209
including Phil Benson's workshop, Language learning beyond the classroom (Room West 2: 201)
Student run workshop
14:20-15:10 Room West 2: 201: Conferencing together
Gakushuin University, Mejiro Campus, is in the centre of Tokyo and is easily accessible. It is about 10 minutes from Ikebukuro and 20 minutes from Shinjuku by train. To read more about the venue, go here
Registration and Payment
Students Free
Regular Registration Period (from October 1st)
JALT members: 1-day: 3500 / 2-day: 5000
Non-JALT members: 1-day: 4500 / 2-day: 6000
Benefits and Opportunities
- Certificate of Participation, Interactive sessions and networking opportunities, Post-conference publication
Join us as the Learner Development SIG celebrates its 30th anniversary with a conference held in collaboration with the Teacher Development SIG and the Global Issues in Language Education SIG. Our conference theme is "Learning for Change and Action, Making a Difference for the Future," a call to action for educators and learners alike.
学習者ディベロプメント研究部会が30周年を迎えるにあたり、言語教育における世界的課題SIG、教師開発SIGと共同で開催されるカンファレンスに参加しませんか?大会テーマは「Learning for Change and Action, Making a Difference for the Future」、教育者と学習者の行動を呼びかける内容です。
Taking place on October 21st and 22nd, this two-day conference will explore how to encourage learners to engage in their learning to make a difference in their lives, their local communities, and beyond. Both students and teachers are warmly invited to take part by actively engaging in presentations, workshops, and discussions exploring innovative approaches to learner development, teacher development, and global issues in language education.
10月21日、22日に開催されるこの2日間のカンファレンスでは、どのように学習者が自分の人生、地域社会、そしてそれらを超えた領域に変化をもたらすために、自分たちの学習への取り組を促していけるかを探究します。学生と教員の両方の方々の参加が可能です。 参加者は、学習者育成、教師育成、言語教育におけるグローバルな問題への革新的なアプローチを探究するプレゼンテーション、ワークショップ、ディスカッションに積極的に参加することができます
.... To read more about the theme go here:
.... テーマについてもっと読みたい方はこちらへ:
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'Getting started guide' go here
Phil Benson
Saturday Afternoon Plenary Speaker
Phil Benson is an Honorary Professor in Applied Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at Macquarie University, Sydney. He has published widely on issues in Applied Linguistics, especially on autonomy, language learning beyond the classroom, and language learning environments. Phil has been a long-time supporter of the JALT LD-SIG who attended his first LD-SIG event in 1995.
Stacey Vye
Sunday Morning Plenary Speaker
Stacey Vye is a professor at Saitama University in Japan. Her research interests are facilitating self-awareness and empowerment in learning spaces and the connections between learner and teacher autonomy. She received her EdD from the University of Southern California (USC) in Organizational Change and Leadership. Stacey has been an LD-SIG member since 2002 and is a former co-coordinator of the SIG. She was proud to co-launch the LD-SIG get-togethers and co-archived all the Learning Learning issues for the SIG desk. Stacey is also a long-time GILE-SIG member. She can be contacted at outreach@staceyvye.com
Taichi Ichikawa
Saturday Morning Plenary Speaker
Taichi ICHIKAWA is a young social entrepreneur, activist, teacher, and author of “We Have a Dream: 201 Countries 201 Dreams with Sustainable Development Goals”, a “textbook to help people learn about the Earth and life itself by reading about dreamers from around the globe.” Taichi's own personal dream is to bring young people together and learn from each other. In 2019 he set up World Road, which organises global learning prorgram, courses, and workshops “to build the world a single school.” Curious about the dreams of young people around the world, Taichi has compiled a stunning collection of their stories in a ground-breaking book called "We Have a Dream: 201 Countries 201 Dreams with Sustainable Development Goals.” At LD30 Taichi will be leading sessions for students (and teachers!) so they can share their dreams and projects, inspire each other, and learn together about making a difference in the world.
Chiyuki Yanase
Sunday Morning Plenary Speaker
Chiyuki YANASE is a lecturer at several universities in Tokyo. She has been teaching English for over 30 years at various institutions and holds an MSc in TESOL from Aston University. Her current research interests focus on teacher and learner wellbeing and the self-efficacy of learners. She has presented at numerous international conferences and published several articles on learner autonomy, wellbeing, and collaborative learning.