LD30 Getting Started

How to Join the LD30 Edzil.la Conference Page https://ld30.edzil.la/

For first-time users of edzil.la, please follow all the steps. If you've used edzil.la for another conference like KOTESOL or PanSIG2022, skip to Step 2.

STEP 1: First-time users, click 'Start Here' and create a new Edzil.la account. You can use a Gmail account to register (click the colorful Google G). For a separate account, fill the boxes and click 'Sign Up'. Register with your real name, as it will be visible to organizers and other attendees.

STEP 2: Return to this page and login. Join the event: LD30. (Note: there may be other conferences on Edzil.la simultaneously.) 

Once you are logged into the LD30 Conference area, you can purchase a ticket by following these instructions:


If you have any questions, please use the ‘contact’ button above or email ld@jalt.org