LD30 Theme

LD30: Learning for Change and Action, Making a Difference for the Future

Join us as the Learner Development SIG celebrates its 30th anniversary with a conference held in collaboration with the Teacher Development SIG and the Global Issues in Language Education SIG. Our conference theme is "Learning for Change and Action, Making a Difference for the Future," a call to action for  educators and learners alike.

This two-day conference will explore how to encourage learners to engage in their learning to make a difference in their lives, their local communities, and beyond. Both students and teachers will be able to contribute. Participants can actively engage in presentations, workshops, and discussions exploring innovative approaches to learner development, teacher development, and global issues in language education.

Together we will inquire and consider how to go beyond our learning and teaching in the classroom to make a positive impact in our lives and the lives of others. We will share how to encourage active involvement and engage with the benefits and challenges associated with this. Questions that could be tackled are:

  • What processes encourage active engagement for change and action?
  • What local and global issues in society do you have your students explore? Why?
  • What are different ways learners can become more involved in their local communities?
  • What benefits do learners gain from involvement in learning for change and action in their local communities and networks, as well as in wider society?
  • What challenges do learners face in becoming socially active and making a difference for the future?

LD30 provides multiple opportunities to reflect on the past three decades of learner development and education, teacher development, and global issues in language education, while looking towards the future and making a difference. Join us in this celebration and become a part of new conversations to shape the future of language education and beyond.