Neil Cowie
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Teachers: Research Practice / Talk 研究/実践についての話し合い 25 minutes / 25分 SDGs: Community learning in Okayama and the Setouchi region more
Sat, Oct 21, 14:25-14:50 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation will describe a course called ‘Community learning in Okayama and the Setouchi region’ that took place from April to July in 2023. It is one of several courses that make up a new international SDG master’s program at Okayama University. The students on the course are from Laos, Taiwan and Thailand. The course was divided into two parts. In the first half the presenter coordinated weekly teacher- and student-chosen readings and online discussion in English about the SDGs. In the second half, the class visited three organizations in the Okayama area that foreground the promotion of SDG related activities in their business models. These three organizations were a garbage recycling company, a wild animal fur and leather company, and a bamboo furniture company. After each discussion lesson and each site visit students submitted a one-page reflection on what they had learned (nine short reports in total) and submitted a 1,000-word report describing a problem and solution connected to their home countries. This presentation will briefly describe the course, discuss its successes and challenges, and make suggestions for the future. This information should be useful for any teacher wishing to include community learning in their courses.