
Teachers: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分

Cooperation to Raise Learner Awareness & Encourage Community Participation

Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-Tue, Sep 19, 16:20 Asia/Tokyo

Location: 西 1 204

A content based language teaching (CBLT) course in Geography provides a useful platform for introducing topics such as the climate crisis, sustainability and sustainable development, ecosystem challenges, resource issues, and even issues related to the tourism industry. A background in environmental studies provides knowledge of the issues and their interconnectedness. However, the scope and depth to which the issues can be addressed is limited by time constraints, as well as the fact that instruction is being conducted in the learners’ second language.

One avenue currently being explored is to encourage learners to participate in locally available ‘citizen science’ activities. For the most part, these would not be engaged in using the learners’ second language, but their introduction and discussion in the classroom can potentially lead to learner involvement in them outside of and independently from the classroom. Positive effects on both the students’ lives and on their local community because of their participation can reasonably be anticipated.

The purpose of this presentation is to elicit opportunities to share and coordinate ideas with teachers with similar goals, regardless of background, which would generate synergy and allow all parties to benefit with regard to incorporating the issues into their teaching.