Ruri Yamaguchi
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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Effects of a lack of sex education more
Sun, Oct 22, 11:05-12:00 Asia/Tokyo
I am a first-year university student who is interested in sex education because I watched a video of an abortion when I was a high school student. I started to think about this problem since then, and I believe this results from various issues, like male-dominated society, human rights education, and including a lack of sex education. My poster mainly focuses on why a lack of sex education is a problem, because I believe that it leads to human rights abuses. And I explain why we should learn it with two concepts, conprehensive sexuality education and the body autonomy. Conprehensive Sexuality Education is the idea which is suggested by UNESCO. the concept says that everyone has right to education, especially sex education, because the education leads to understanding our own bodies and fundamental rights. Bodily autonomy is the idea which is suggested by UNPF, and which says 'My body is my own.' It is the fundamental rights, but it is often violated by people, cultures, and laws. And I think that this problem is not only for females, but also for males because males and females have human rights. Also, I show some ways to learn it in school and at home using some research. In this presentation I give the opportunity to think about sex education regardless of age and gender. And I would like to discuss the best way to learn it.