Kosei Egami
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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Redefining the Norm more
Sun, Oct 22, 11:05-12:00 Asia/Tokyo
Our presentation will be about a new educational model. We found that education has a good potential to revolutionize our society. Many kinds of issues happened. Global warming, Rise of sea level, Deforestation and Animal extinction can be given as examples. In order to solve the problems, we have to focus on fundamental and surface level at the same time. However, people tend to pay attention only to the surface level solutions. Therefore, we think that a change of the way of thinking is required. It means fundamental problems need to be solved. We are thinking of a business model that can provide opportunities for young generations to learn about global issues. Our business is to make educational videos that can feel the reality of those issues.