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Teachers: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 English speaking opportunities and feedback outside a Global Issues class more
Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-16:20 Asia/Tokyo
Following years of English education, Japanese learners of English commonly struggle with speaking and course evaluations requiring this skill. Several factors contribute to this, such as fear of mistakes, reluctance to speak, instruction focusing heavily on exam preparation, and time constraints for teachers to assess individual students’ speaking with large amounts of personalized feedback. This poster presentation examines how two recorded speaking tools can be used to offer additional opportunities for EFL students to use their English outside of the classroom and receive feedback. Using Flip and Speechcraft.io for speaking homework tasks, the presenter examined several recorded assignments for classes, of up to 18 students, taking a Global Issues class at a Japanese university. This presentation explains how the software was used and the feedback assisted with in-class topics and an end-of-course presentation. For each task, students were given opportunities to practice, record, and immediately review their own speaking with the option of re-recording before the final file submission. The presenter will also explain how the two forms of technology were implemented, how this approach was received by the students, and what were the limitations.