Nanako Tanigawa
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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 CALL and MALL as an Effective Language Learning Methodology at Waseda University more
Sat, Oct 21, 14:25-15:20 Asia/Tokyo
In a globalized society where language learning is an essential and critical skill for individuals to obtain, technology has significantly contributed to reshaping the way we learn. One innovation that significantly changed language learning methodologies is the incorporation of technology through Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Mobile-Assisted Language (MALL). This enables learners to access online educational materials, blended with the traditional language learning classroom, and made learning possible beyond the confines of place and time. Based on the literatures, "Theories of attitudes toward technology" and "Theories of the impact of technology on users" (Stockwell, 2021), the study was carried out to discover what kind of apps, software, browsers etc. were commonly used among Waseda University students to improve their English abilities. A total of 183 responses were collected with both qualitative and quantitative methods. From this data analysis, the results suggest that the incorporation of videos in lectures as well as the establishment of online study-materials will be an innovative and efficient way for language learning.