Chiho Takeda
Kanda University of International Studies
I have a dream to create the world which allow not only children but also adults have and realize their dreams. I have considered one of the obstacles to realizing this dream to be war. Therefore, I am contemplating what I can do to bring about a world without war.Sessions
Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Building Peace Together: The Global Voice Weaving Deterrence Beyond Nuclear Weapons. more
Sun, Oct 22, 11:05-12:00 Asia/Tokyo
I am a second-year university student, and my experiences in Hiroshima have sparked my interest in the relationship between peace and nuclear weapons. Through university courses and studying abroad, I have learned about peacebuilding from the perspective of war. My poster focuses on the efforts to disseminate the oral accounts and testimonies of war survivors as one of the actors in promoting peace. To understand this issue from a global perspective, I conducted interviews with people from different countries and backgrounds, in addition to having discussions with individuals close to me. My poster incorporates the results of these conversations, including my personal experiences and perspectives on peace. In this presentation, I aim to convey the message that words can be a deterrent for war beyond nuclear weapons. I would like to discuss with all of you the actions we can take together and share your ideas and experiences, as young individuals, on how we can create a peaceful world in the present and for the future.

Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Create Planet Culture ~The insatiable challenge to unite the world~ more
Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo
I am a second-year university student. My interest in cultural exchange was sparked by meeting a girl who had immigrated from Sudan to Japan. It made me realize that there are various cultures in this world, each existing in different countries and regions. However, I wonder if there is truly a global connection through these cultural exchanges. My poster focuses on the idea of cultural exchange that embraces differences in language, race, and geographical locations, encompassing the world. Even if we can't communicate through words or come from different places, we can understand each other and create something together. To convey this message to the world and expand the circle of cultural exchange on a global scale, I took the first step towards an "insatiable challenge," which I will present in this time. I would like to discuss with all of you the importance of intercultural understanding and co-creation, cherishing cultures from around the world, and how we can collectively build a culture as one planet, Earth.