Mako Narita
I'm in my third year at Gakushuin University, ISS. Learning social issues in English.Sessions
Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 Reducing Food Loss and Waste in Japan: An Environmentally Friendly Approach more
Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo
In this poster presentation, I will propose one idea on how to reduce food loss and waste in Japan. To guide my thinking, I set two research questions; what is the situation of food loss and waste in Japan in comparison to the rest of the world? and what can be done to reduce Japan's food loss and waste. First, I will provide the background of food loss and waste by referring to environmental damages and the north-south divide including the differences between food loss and waste. Second, I will answer my first question looking into the current situation of food loss and waste in Japan in my readings of the literature. In addition, I will compare the actions which have been taken for food loss and waste in Japan and Europe. Finally, I will offer and discuss my idea to deal with food loss and waste in Japan to answer the second research question. I will conclude my session by summarizing the main points and would like to talk to the participants about the issue and actions we can take to reduce food loss and waste.