Ross Sampson
Toyo University
Ross has 13 years teaching experience in Japan, South Korea, Thailand and onboard a cruise ship. He also has experience running TESOL certification courses. He gained his masters in TESOL from the University of Glasgow in 2016. Since 2016, he has been actively researching, publishing and presenting. His research interests include reflective practice, social learning spaces, learner autonomy, action research, vocabulary, geography, and CLIL.Sessions
Teachers: Workshop ワークショップ 55 minutes / 55分 Self-reflection and Participation logs more
Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-16:20 Asia/Tokyo
In this workshop I will focus on Schön’s (1983) concept of "Reflection on action". This means looking back at what you have done to understand and improve upon it. Over the last 6 years, I have had all my students complete a self-reflection and participation log during each semester. The purpose of the log is to encourage students to consider what they did in class, why they did it, what went well, what did not go well, what was difficult, and most importantly, what they should do to make positive change and improve themselves for the next time. During the course of a semester, I read the student logs and make comments or pose questions about the content. The logs have helped me understand my classes in a deeper way and sometimes make changes to my teaching practice. Additionally, judging from a number of student log entries, I can assert that the logs have been beneficial for students also. Participants in this workshop will work in groups to reflect about their classroom practice, analyse my logs for critique and improvement and finally discuss and share ideas for how to better utilise the tool of reflection in any learning context.