Devon Arthurson
Hakuoh University
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Teachers: Learning Cafe ラーニング・カフェ 55 minutes / 55分 Exploring Our Identities in Our Communities more
Sat, Oct 21, 10:35-11:30 Asia/Tokyo
Using community development theories, this learning cafe session would explore members’ roles in their communities. Drawing on my studies in social work and community studies, in addition to teaching in Osaka high schools, at a Tokyo university, and now at a university in Tochigi, I would like to share how my identity in these various communities shifted as my view of community did. Examining ourselves and our communities from different perspectives can affect how we see ourselves and our community interactions. Through prompts such as, “How do I view my community?” to “What is my role in my community?” to “What can I contribute to my community?”, can help us to see our importance and how potentially a shift in our viewpoint can make community interaction more positive. Using this session as an opportunity for sharing and exploration can potentially give learners and teachers more meaning into their interactions in their communities.