Rachael Ruegg
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Teachers: Research Practice / Talk 研究/実践についての話し合い 25 minutes / 25分 Learner development through peer tutoring more
Sun, Oct 22, 11:35-12:00 Asia/Tokyo
Learner development can occur beyond the classroom in both academic and non-academic realms. This study looked at development achieved by students in their role as peer tutors. The 34 tutors provided feedback on 2006 peer tutorial sessions and reported learning about their tutees, about tutoring and about the subject being tutored. Tutors reported learning about tutoring (558 comments), about qualities or characteristics of tutees (391 comments), about the subject matter being tutored (214 comments), about learning strategies (64 comments) and increasing their understanding of the curriculum (10 comments). The comments demonstrate increasing competence in tutoring skills, understanding of different learning styles, strategies and study methods, understanding the curriculum at the university and more nuanced understanding of subject-specific knowledge. The results of this research provide detailed insight into the kinds of development achieved by tutors through peer tutoring. The presenter will outline the research methods and results, as well as discussion and implications of the results for learner development of peer tutors.