Miu Sudo
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Students: Poster Session ポスターセッション 55 minutes / 55 分 My Ideas For The New English Learning Style in Compulsory Education Schools in Japan. more
Sat, Oct 21, 14:25-15:20 Asia/Tokyo
My research topic is "Comparing Performance between Schools with No Dedicated Study Areas and Schools with Dedicated Study Areas". In recent years, English education with computers and tablets has been conducted in domestic schools. Japanese compulsory education has been eventful because electronic school materials are used in many ways. However, English education techniques which will increase a student’s academic English ability is one of the important areas which will be discussed. With this in mind, I will examine the origin of the problem. My purpose for this research is to observe the effects on Japanese compulsory education when students use a study room where students can study independently, such as private study rooms. My prime reference of this research is "US Academic Libraries: Today's Learning Commons Model" which was written by Professor Susan McMullen(2008). In this report, Professor defines the modern study rooms. The modern study rooms are included computer workstations, collaborative learning spaces, presentation support centers and the staffs who can support students. Finally, the following section will explain the recommended way to make use of these spaces for English learning. I would like to suggest a new style of English learning in Japanese compulsory education using spaces where students can study independently. Students can use it in this way; however, this place also works as a place where students can collaborate with other students, get opportunities to express their own ideas and, share their own opinions actively. My ideal the ways of these space in English learning at domestic compulsory schools are roughly two. One is to conduct presentations using student's original English skills. The aim of this is to give students the opportunity to express something important by using English. Another is to conduct some activities in these places for example, common English study sessions and art classes. The aim of these activities is to gain 21st century abilities by taking English classes at schools.