Yuri Imamura
Shukutoku University
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Teachers: Research Practice / Talk 研究/実践についての話し合い 25 minutes / 25分 Empirical research on ChatGPT: from students to the faculty more
Sun, Oct 22, 12:50-13:15 Asia/Tokyo
Since Generative AI, such as ChatGPT, came out, many institutions have had to consider policies regarding how to deal with this new technology in both business and education settings. Additionally, in July 2023, the Japanese government (MEXT) asked all universities to state their supervision policies. For this reason, university educators started taking actions to better understand the effective use of Generative AI and the possible issues through conferences and faculty development activities. In this empirical research, we (one of us teaches English and Intercultural Studies, and the other teaches Computer Literacy) aimed to investigate students’ previous knowledge of Generative AI and their perception of it after introducing ChatGPT in class. Over 200 students participated in this research, and the resulting data will be used to support our students in their learning with ChatGPT, as well as assist faculty members in examining their supervision for the future. This presentation will share steps for conducting this research, the results, and implications.