Dexter Da Silva
I am interested in Learning - Student learning, teacher learning, group learning, the learning process, context, approaches, and related factors such as Motivation and Memory. I love teaching when it involves connecting with critical learning. I have been teaching for more than 35 years, at various levels, mainly in Japan, but also in Australia and Laos.Sessions
Teachers: Learning Cafe ラーニング・カフェ 55 minutes / 55分 Curious about Curiosity: Exploring Connections Collaboratively more
Sat, Oct 21, 15:25-Tue, Sep 19, 16:20 Asia/Tokyo
This session aims to stimulate ideas on ways to bring Curiosity to the core of learning, especially the idea of curiosity as wanting to connect, as well as wanting to know. The session will start with an introduction to Curiosity Studies (Zurn & Bassett, 2022; Zurn & Shankar, 2020), including styles of curiosity, curiosity as edgework, and the importance of curiosity to the process of education. We will also introduce Carse’s (1986) notion of infinite vs finite games, and attempt to connect it to Curiosity and Education. The middle part of the session will have small groups of participants going on 20-minute Curiosity Walks within the campus with a conundrum to explore. Two examples are “Using the idea of Edgework in your teaching / learning” and “Curious about Change and Action”. The final part of the session will be the sharing of these ideas with the aim of building connections.